Blueprint For 2013

It’s been quite sometime since I have blogged.  Not because I haven’t had much to say, but simply because there has been much going on.   New business venture, a very busy energetic 3 year old to keep up with, and trying to make a schedule that never seems to stay in tact.  🙂

2012 was filled with various highs and lows.  I started an online store and also became part of a health and wellness center all in the first few days of the New Year.  It felt like new goals and dreams were being conquered very quickly!!  I was on fire and extremely excited!!  By the end of the year my online store was pretty dormant, which ended up leading me to other venues to sell my products; and the owner of the health and wellness center passed away suddenly leaving her family to decide to close the center.  

Ginger’s Wellness Center was a one of a kind place in Southern California which received some great reviews!  I’ve wanted to open a wellness center since 2004 when I had endured some extreme health issues, and outside of family, Ginger was the first person I shared my ideas and plans with.  We started to merry our ideas together for something better we could bring the clientele.  We found we had very similar goals which worked great.  No need to compete and do something on your own when you can do it better working with a like-minded individual.



Mid-year I decided to head to Raleigh to help my sister with my niece.  I thought it would only be for a few months at most.  It’s now January and I’m grateful for being able to live a life that provides great flexibility!  It appears that I may head back home in the next few weeks, which leaves me strong mixed feelings.  Every moment with my niece has been a great joy!  I wouldn’t trade this time we have had together for anything!  This further makes my impending departure all that much more difficult.   On the other hand I’m looking forward to having more space for my work and being in a part of the country that tends to put me in my healthy zone.   Soon my sister and family will be relocating closer to me which brings me a blessed feeling with being able to have the best of both worlds!  

So this all has led me to do a lot of personal evaluating ~ my life, my business, etc.  What are my goals?  What is truly important to me?  

The other day my 3 year old niece said something to me which gave me a flashback to when her mom said something similar about 15 years ago.  It was about my work.  There was one Saturday back in 1997 where I had asked my sister if she wanted to go into the office to help me get a few things done and then we would go have some fun.  (It should be noted that my sister is 16 years younger than I, so she was in grade school at this time.)  She agreed and handled making all of the copies that I needed for a project.  I was so proud of her for a job well done I asked if she thought she would want a job like mine when she was older.  She very matter of fact told me, “No, you work all the time.”  Something I thought I was doing to set a good example ended up backfiring.  

Fast forward to 15 years later.  I now run my own business, in fact, I have several business ventures going on.   One of them is a online gift store and my niece loves to announce how she is helping me pack orders.  However, the other day she decided it was time to stop working and go to the park.  I told her I had a few things that needed to be finished first.  Without hesitating she told me, “No, stop working auntie!”   Such a simple statement but it woke me up to realizing what she was experiencing.  I left the advertising world to get away from the long stressful hours.  And while starting your own business does require a lot of time and attention, with different stresses, it’s important to find a much needed balance.  

I think one of the biggest challenges with being a new entrepreneur is that we tend to spread ourselves too thin, especially in the early stages.  Whether it’s feeling like we have to balance all of the tasks on our own, or busy making sure we have multiple streams of income so when one avenue is quiet something else is coming in to help with living expenses, there is constantly a lot of consider.   In fact, this was a huge eye opener for me in December.  As I went through a rigorous approval process for some of my items to be sold on a large venue, I realized it’s time to hire a professional photographer so I could focus on other aspects of my business.  I was handling all tasks, including the product photography, over the past year, but it was taking me a lot more time with not having the proper space and tools.  This turns out to be a win-win for me and the other person looking for work.

This entire process started unfolding in 2009 when I began working towards opening my wellness center I drew up in 2004.  I decided I could start with training to become a Life Coach, one of the services I wanted to implement in my wellness center.  During my Life Coach training I learned about Buteyko, a natural drug-free way to relieve asthma and other respiratory illnesses.  This was something very close to my heart with the asthma complications I dealt with most of my life, and was anxious to find relief.  I enrolled in Patrick McKeown’s amazing program to not only learn the Buteyko process but to also become an practitioner so I could work with patients.  I felt this would be another wonderful program to offer at my wellness center since our breathing is the core of our wellness.   When we learn to breathe properly (who knew there was such a thing) it starts an immediate healing process.   I told many people that after taking the Buteyko course I finally understood meditation.  I understood what it meant to clear all thoughts from our mind and be present in all you do.  


I then seen a Facebook post the other day that really resonated with me.  We all have probably heard and seen a similar statement at some point of our life, but this time it hit me very deeply.  It said when your inside is balanced and happy the outside will automatically fall in line to show the same.  Every aspect of our body is a blueprint of our overall wellbeing.  What people see of our outward appearance and actions is a key of how we are feeling inside.  

I remember when I became really healthy in 2001 just before my Australia trip in August.  I was pretty happy in my life.  The weight I decided to take time to lose literally melted away without much work.  I could take a 1-2 hour nap and be down 5 lbs!  Without knowing about Buteyko I had managed to get off of all of my medication, including the rescue inhaler!  I was absolutely elated.   That was my first realization that weight loss and good health did not have to be difficult.  

So this year my goal is to focus on more balance in my life and work through the blueprint that worked for me so well so I can share it with others who are interested.  I invite you to follow me on my journey over the coming months.  I look forward to reading your comments and feedback along the way.  


Happy New Year my friends!!  I wish  you great health, happiness and prosperity throughout 2013!!


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How Do We Really Answer The Question: WWJD??

This gallery contains 3 photos.

I read one of the most well written articles I have seen yet on the current events we are all talking about in one form or another. (Included below)  Jen Engel has perfectly summed up my thoughts.  I strongly commend … Continue reading

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What Do You Stand For?

My heart cries for Trayvon Martin, his family, and actually our whole country.  It saddens me greatly what has happened with this young man and the loss his family is grieving.

I’m astounded that we find ourselves in the year of 2012 still facing such anguish.  Wondering why we, as a country, cannot move past judging another person based on the color of their skin, their ethnicity, what they wear, their religious or non-religious beliefs, and the list could go on and on.

Just yesterday I read a news piece that in Southern California an Iraqi woman was brutally attacked with a tire iron and a note left telling her to go back to her own country.  How have we forgotten what this country was once supposed to be all about?   A country where people could bring their tired, weary, and huddled masses and finally be FREE!


“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

How have we become a country not much better than the countries so many are leaving in hopes of finding better safety and freedom?   (Perhaps we haven’t “become” and maybe we unfortunately “still are” in the same mind frame as the beginning of America.  When it was the Irish or Polish people first “despised.”  Which carried forward to many other cultures.  Who determines who is better than another?)

I remember being a very young naïve adult in my early 20’s when I first moved to Los Angeles.  It was just after the Rodney King trial and riots.  Coming from South Dakota where the only racist issues I knew existed were against the Native Americans.  Being part Cherokee myself and growing up with a girlfriend who was Sioux, I was constantly interested in learning more about the lack of compassion for my Native friends.  How and why do people keep a fight going that has been fought for centuries?  Why is someone considered “less than” if they aren’t the proverbial “white man?”

Wanting to get a deeper understanding I became friends with many Natives and would help drive them to and from work, errands, etc.  We began some beautiful friendships.

Then one day my life totally changed.  I went the opposite direction from a church I had been brought up in for many years and a person in our family took an especially angered stance about it.  We actually worked at the same job just different shifts.  I was one that avoided confrontations at all costs and would do all I could to not face this person’s wrath.  Well, my time had run out.

As I sat with my tech buddies, I looked up and seen my family member and a particularly angry expression.  After several minutes of being yelled at and tears forming in my eyes, I felt completely belittled and attacked in front of my colleagues.  As I sat there wondering what to do to make this uncomfortable confrontation end, and at least encourage that we deal with this outside of the workplace two of my dearest friends stood UP!!!  David and Warren stood up in front of me crossing their arms.  They were well over 6 feet tall and broad shouldered men.  They told my family member that was enough and they needed to leave.

That day my life changed!!  It was the first time I personally witnessed someone standing up for another person – someone willing to stand up for ME!

Ever since then my voice has grown stronger in what I stand for.  I take a stand for those that have no ability to stand on their own for whatever reason.

After my move to Los Angeles I came face to face with another situation.  I had made a comment one day at work about the Rodney King case and how could this still be happening?

That day also changed my life.  I remember a black co-worker telling me that as a white girl I should never presume I could ever understand what they go through.  I was taken back by the comment and also witnessed such pain and anger in her words.  Still a bit edgy to ask questions on a subject I didn’t fully understand or want to be misunderstood, I didn’t say anything more.  However, I sat there thinking, “Teach me!  Explain it to me.  Because no one understands until someone is willing to show that side of the world to people like me.”

A few months later my car broke down and I had to take a series of public transportation from my place in Long Beach to West Hollywood and back for work.  Lo and behold my trip took me through a part of South Central.   I thought, “Well, I guess I’m about to get some new experiences.”  I left for work at 5a since anyone that has lived and used public transportation in LA knows it isn’t always reliable.  Headed to work there were a lot of middle-aged Hispanic ladies going in my general direction. Returning home was an entirely different group of people and a friend that lived in Huntington Park insisted she would drive me to the train.  She told me she would wait for the train to arrive and I was to go straight to it.

There was a day she wasn’t at work so I proceeded to make my way home on the typical bus route I was familiar with.   I felt a bit more tension in the air and wondered it was just me because of the information I had been given previously.  Was there a need for concern?  I thought about how the people that spoke to me were ones that had lived through situations and had much more experience than I would ever comprehend.  Instead of being fearful I decided I would just be aware and friendly.

As the bus traveled along the busy LA streets to the place I would once again catch the train, I watched with wonderment as people exited and entered the bus.  Then I noticed the most interesting thing happen.  As I sat in my seat and most of the seats around me become empty, a couple of black guys walked onto the bus.  There were absolutely no words exchanged but I seen a look in their eye as if to say, “Does this crazy white girl know where she is at?”  And without words they both stood right next to my seat as though to say, “Won’t be nothing happening to her on our watch.”   Sometimes in silence you hear so much more.  I could have completely misread what I witnessed, but it was as clear as day in my mind the way everyone else seemed to be moving towards the rear of the bus and I was sitting more towards the middle.   I called them my guardian angels on a trip that I was unsure of and a bit nervous.  Once I arrived to the area for my train transfer they followed me to the platform, the train came, I got on the train and they left as though they had been watching out for my safety.


My question is, “Why can’t we all be like that?”  Looking out for one another.   I could go on and on with things I have witnessed.  One of the best decisions I ever made was to move to Los Angeles and experience much more in life than I would have ever truly seen living in South Dakota or North Carolina.  (I’ll save my experiences in North Carolina for another day.  I simply wonder “When does the Civil War truly end?”)

So my life belief is that while I started out as a young child learning from my neighbor lady about the slaughter of the baby seals.  Little did I know at that time of my life that I was learning something much bigger than I anticipated.  I was learning how we must begin somewhere taking a stand for what we believe in and that stand will grow as we allow our love for humanity to grow.   When I didn’t have the voice or legs to stand up for myself, someone much bigger, stronger and confident stood up for me.  Now I find it my privilege to return the favor by taking a stand for anyone that for whatever reason cannot stand for themselves.

Therefore, I stood constant for Troy Davis for many many years, and I will once again stand with all of my friends and the Martin family for little Trayvon Martin!  We must learn to stand together and remember that when people fight each other, no good can come out of it, only blood-shed and grieving for needless loss.

I have much I could say regarding the Trayvon case, however, I have nothing more that can be added than has already been said.  Take some time to get to know other people from different races, cultures, etc.  The best gift I received when I was a child was “Dolls from Around the World.”  It immediately created so much awe and curiosity in my life of wanting to one day visit each and every place.  To experience life through their eyes!

I’m just a little Irish Cherokee girl from South Dakota, and I, too, have a dream similar to Martin Luther King, Jr!!

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Is That The Best You’ve Got?

I would like to share an incredible inspirational story with you!  One that has captured my attention throughout the year.  And while it’s a story about a football player beating the odds of cancer, I believe you will find this particular story leaving you asking, “What holds me back from achieving my goals and dreams?”   This is not just another football story, it’s a story about beating the odds on whatever life can throw at you and saying, “Is that the best you’ve got?”

Whether you are a football fan or not, many of you will have heard of Tim Tebow if for no other reason than something in the news catching your eye or posts on Facebook.   Well, my eyes have been on this incredible young man, Mark Herzlich!

Many people have gone through much more than we could ever imagine dealing with.  Yet, this is not about who’s challenges are greater.  What I might be able to handle might be something that would completely crumble someone else and vice versa.  We are each unique individuals and my goal is to simply encourage you to rise to your personal best and not accept impossibility as an option!

Quote by Audrey Hepburn

Quote by Audrey Hepburn

Back in April and October I posted Mark’s story on Facebook.  The first time I heard of Mark I was watching Coach Steve Mariucci interview him on NFL Network before the upcoming NFL Draft weekend, April 28th-30th.

During the NFL draft those that knew about Mark Herzlich were anxiously waiting to see which team would bravely pick Mark and give him a shot at his dream.

The draft came and went and Mark was still without a team.   I was a bit bummed to not see this amazing story end the way I had hoped over the weekend, but the NFL scouts believed he was too big of a risk after coming back from cancer.

Over time it was rumored that the NY Giants wanted to pick him up, however, due to the lockout Herlich was not allowed to sign with a team until training camp.  At last the Giants indeed ended up being the team willing to take the risk and give Mark the chance he continued to work towards.  Coach Coughlin reported that Mark eagerly did all he could to learn the playbook throughout August and said, “He’s dedicated, smart, and learns quickly!”

As training camp ended, Mark started preseason on Special Teams making some pretty remarkable plays!  After preseason, the final cuts are made on every team to determine their 53-man roster.  Once again Mark reported being a bit anxious since he hadn’t heard one way or the other whether the Giants planned to keep him.

He finally received news that he made the team and would start on Special Teams.  For 9 games the former college linebacker played on Special Teams for the Giants, and then he got the call.  Their veteran linebacker went down with an injury just before a huge NFC East game against my beloved Philadelphia Eagles.  (I know, I can’t believe I’ve been rooting for a division rival, well, at least for one of their players!)  Mark finally got a shot to prove his college linebacker skills were still in tact.  He proved he was once again up for the task! (Yes, my Eagles managed to pull off another win against the Giants, but the Giants scored enough wins to get them to the Playoffs!)

Through Mark’s hard work he went from an undrafted rookie that “was too big of a risk” to reaching his goal of playing defense for a great NFL team!

And that, my friends, leads me to the exciting weekend we have ahead of us.  Coach Tom Coughlin and his G-Men, including the remarkable Mark Herzlich, find themselves in a pretty exciting game on Sunday against the San Fransicso 49ers to determine which one claims the NFC Division Championship and heads to the Super Bowl.  (I’m torn – I would love a Harbaugh vs Harbaugh Super Bowl -49ers vs Ravens-, and yet I just can’t root against the Giants and Herzlich!!  What an amazing comeback year for a young man that was facing some pretty tough odds just a couple of years ago!!  At this point, if you haven’t watched the video clip I posted above, please take a moment to see the INCREDIBLE determination this kid had to have to achieve what he has done today!)

Each time I watched Mark’s story and see the updates with how his life is still unfolding the more inspired I become.  THIS is what life is really all about!!  Each one of us has the opportunity day in and day out to create our own amazing story to share and inspire others.   This is my goal – to inspire you to be your personal best each and every day – “Discover Your Infinite Possibilities!”

I am also posting this story in memory of my little friend I have mentioned previously, Lyndsay Brewer!  Her strong will and determination carries forward in her absolutely amazing family!  They, too, have overcome some extreme obstacles!  While Lyndsay is no longer with us, her spirited, dancing, butterfly wings continues to touch many hearts!  She, too, was and still is an incredible inspiration to me!  Love you Lyndsay Brewer!

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What Are You Waiting For?

“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”

Pause for a moment and think about that quote.  Perhaps even take out a sheet of paper and write down your thoughts…I’ll wait…

What did you come up with?  Did you allow your mind to be free and truly wonder what it would be like to attempt something you have always dreamed about or perhaps something new?  Now, what is holding you back from attempting to achieve that goal?  Are you allowing fear to creep in with simply contemplating these questions?  Sometimes we’ll stop ourselves from even dreaming because we “don’t want to get our hopes up” or “don’t know how to make it happen.”  We become so bogged down with the details that we forget how to fly with our dreams.  We tend to borrow problems before anything happens.

In my last post I provided some tips on setting goals.  Something I do every year.  This year I have set some pretty lofty ones and will share some of them with you as the year goes along.  This will give you an example on how all of this works and will perhaps encourage you to attempt some of your own goals.

One of my major goals within the next 3-5 years is to open a wellness center.  This is a goal I started working toward approximately 7 years ago after receiving some disturbing news regarding my health.  I was looking for a place that would assist me in bringing my health back into balance.  The places I found either were exorbitantly expensive and/or didn’t offer the services I felt I needed.  So I sat down and designed what the “perfect” wellness center would offer and of course that description has grown over time.

I have broken down this huge goal into mini-steps.  These steps have so far included taking some intense training and certification courses that would provide me the knowledge and tools I wanted to have in assisting others.  I now hold 3 different certifications and continue my education.  These trainings have allowed me to begin what I call Phase I with providing Life Coaching and Buteyko Breath Training for clients.  My personal policy is to put myself through any program first that I plan to offer my clients so I have first hand experience on the expected results.  Being my own student, or guinea pig, provides me a clear understanding of what my clients will experience, questions they may have and how I can best assist them.

Phase II is putting together my online store with products that I feel will interest clients and others looking for wellness tools.  This exciting venture is scheduled to be launched within the next couple of weeks!

Throughout this year I’ll continue to provide various services, attend community events, provide intro classes, and network with other like-minded people.  Even though I don’t have a goal to buy property for another year or two, I will continue to skim through real estate and keep my eyes/ears open for opportunities that may fit what I’m looking for.

There are many other pieces that I’m working on that will build each level.

Phase III will pull everything all together.  I’ve laid out a general design which allows me to know what I’m looking for when I decide to purchase property.

As I move through each piece with the end goal in mind, I hold a great deal of inspiration with every step of this project.  I have become aware of staying present and not borrowing fear from the future or allowing it to creep in at various points.  I’ve spent many hours planning, researching, writing, etc, even though I have felt clueless along the way with knowing how to fulfill each step!  In the beginning I thought I had to have everything planned and designed “perfectly” before I could start (which in itself is a crazy notion since we know many plans change along the way).  I have learned that continued movement (action) is what will bring answers to my many questions of the “hows” and “where”.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was from my financial advisor, “Do something each day to keep your dream alive.”   That was it!!  That was the key to achieving my goal!  It made the entire process feel simple and stress-free.  A goal without action is just a dream.  So instead of fearing mistakes I became determined that even if I make a few along the way, which are bound to happen from time to time, they can be corrected and I’m opening myself for additional learning opportunities.

With the lofty goals I have set for this year I have ramped up my activity each day since New Years with keeping my dream alive and my goals on track.  I have stayed extremely busy, insistent I will keep this energy moving forward day-to-day all year long!

I have finished projects I had started and never finished, I’ve handled situations that weren’t fun but knew they were holding back my energy in being able to move forward, and have tackled several items on my “task” list each day.   With each passing day my energy, passion and excitement becomes stronger and stronger!

As I was running errands on Monday, I had an idea to stop by a well-known wellness center I’ve been wanting to check out for the past couple of years. They happened to be in the same area as another business I wanted to visit that was similar to the store I plan to open.  I suddenly heard my financial advisor’s words, “Do something each day to keep your dream alive!”

I went to the quaint little shop first and became even more excited with realizing how close I was to opening one myself!  About a half hour later I bopped over to the wellness center.  A gentleman was coming out just as I started my way in and we greeted each other.  After a few questions about what I was looking for and my line of work he was insistent the owner would want to speak with me.  It just so happens that she was having a difficult time with asthma and had been for a couple of months!  He called and left her a message.  Over the next hour I met with several practitioners and toured the facility, graciously accepting a complimentary sound therapy session by the gentleman that initially greeted me.  I headed back to the front office to leave my card for the owner, who ended up arriving at that moment.  We sat down to discuss what I could offer with my coaching and set an immediate appointment for the following morning.

I left extremely exuberant!!  This was a location I had been wanting to visit for over a year and yet just wasn’t feeling the timing was right previously.  On this particular day I wasn’t even sure they would be open since many people were taking the day off with New Years on Sunday.  There really is such a thing as divine timing.  When things don’t come together the way we think they should it’s because there is something better in store that we haven’t seen yet.

Being able to learn, apply and now teach others Buteyko Breathing is a complete gift that is very humbling!  Ms. Lee had a very successful first session the following morning.  Afterwards we walked through her office as she introduced me to her fellow colleagues as her new breath coach!

Yesterday afternoon I was extended an offer to become a practitioner at Ginger’s Wellness Garden.  I am honored by the invitation and excited to see another goal realized!  I believe that Ginger’s Wellness Garden is a perfect compliment of the services I offer and the clients I will be able to serve.

I share this story to encourage you to take a chance!!  Let your energy flow and begin walking the steps towards your goals!  If you have anything left unfinished due to procrastination or any kind of energy that doesn’t serve you, finish it or let it go!!  Clear up that old energy and allow life to unfold!  Don’t just “think about doing something someday” ~ Do It Today!! ~

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Creating Your Best Year Yet!

Are you ready to create your most dynamic year yet?  I have spoken with many over the past couple of weeks and we all have expressed feeling 2012 is going to be huge year of growth and opportunity.   To ensure this is not just a feeling or dream, we have set some massive goals to fire us up and keep us on track individually.   We’re ready to roll!!   Dream It!!  Create It!!  Do It!!

With less than a week to go before we ring in 2012, each year I enjoy taking this time to reflect on my life over the past year.   While I believe it’s extremely important to live in the present, I also believe there are benefits in taking some specific time to understand where we have been and set goals for where we intend to go.  Think of it as a map of your life.  Just don’t stay in the past or future too long or you’ll the miss the daily joys of today.

As I reflect over the past year here are a few questions I ask myself:

  • What did I accomplish?
  • What did my challenges teach me?
  • What could I have done better?
  • What did I love?
  • What is no longer serving me – things, emotions, goals that I carry from year to year and never really do anything with, etc?
  • What were my happiest moments and how do I create more of those?
  • What goals were set last year that I did not achieve and why?  (Perhaps they changed along the way.  Maybe I realized they weren’t as important as I originally thought.  Were they goals that I was merely setting to please someone else?)

Pausing to give yourself some time for reflection gives you a clear view of what you want to achieve this next year.  If we don’t have some kind of goal in mind as we move from day-to-day, month-to-month, year-to-year, then we’ll simply find ourselves at the same spot 10, 20, 30 years from now with the exception of being older.  Yes, things will change in your life, some good and some not so good.  However, wouldn’t it feel better to be the driver of your life with a clear destination in mind instead of meandering through life, wondering what each day will throw at you?   Don’t get me wrong, I love fun surprises as much as anyone else!  It’s just certain other surprises that aren’t always as much fun.  With setting goals, there are still opportunities for surprises, just more of the good ones.

Let's set your personal GPS (Goal Producing System)

I have been one that has enjoyed setting goals, especially at New Years, ever since I was a child.  New Years for me has represented a time when I can wipe the slate clean and start fresh again, or take a goal from the previous year and expand on it!  The main key to good goal setting is to make them meaningful to you.  If you find yourself writing/thinking of the same goals year after year then it’s time to stop and ask if it’s a goal you truly want to achieve.   If the answer is “yes” then it’s time to find a better way of achieving it, and if it’s “no” then scratch it from your list and recognize how liberating it feels!

The other piece that is important in setting goals is to take action.  You have a big goal you want to achieve 6 months or a year from now.  Start taking action today!!  Begin by breaking your goal down into mini-steps so the entire process doesn’t feel so daunting.  Do something each day/week to keep you moving towards your goal!  Example:  Do you have a goal to buy property and are still gathering the funds to do so?  Start looking at property according to your goals and begin researching what it will take to obtain a loan.  You don’t have to wait to have all of the funds together to make it reality.  You can start making it a reality today!  You might be surprised with all of the fun ideas that will be presented that you hadn’t previously considered.

There will be times along the way where you will need to calibrate on how you actually reach your end goal.  One path may have looked like the perfect path to get there, and as time goes on you may need to make some tweaks.   If something unexpected occurs and throws you off course a bit, recognize that is just part of life  (pushing you towards a better way of doing things or challenging you to see how important that goal really is to you).  If you get off course, reset your compass and find your way back to the path toward your goal.  You may need to make some tweaks to still reach your end result, and that is perfectly ok.   Let setbacks be learning curves instead of an excuse to lose focus and quit.   How you choose to handle each adversity that arises will make your end goal that much sweeter!  Before you start, have a plan of action you will take when you get off course.  Decide on a support system for each goal.  If you have goals that include losing weight and starting a business, you will probably want one support system for losing weight, while a completely different support system for starting a business.   Do you have a friend that has accomplished a goal you have on your list and would welcome the opportunity to be your guide/mentor?  What resources and research will help you along your path?   After you have set your goals and outlined your support system, be sure you have contacted each person you would like to be involved with your journey so they can assist you.

Be clear on your goal and why it’s important to you.   What is the deeper root of wanting to achieve a specific goal?  If one of your goals is to make more money this year, be clear what your end goal is, what do you want to do with that additional money?  Ex: – put towards a down payment on a house.  Be specific!  Instead of saying “donate more to charity.”  Which charity?  Why is that particular charity meaningful to you?

There is a format I use for setting  SMART Goals!!

Goals should be:

Specific – Significant, Simple, Stretching

  • Well defined
  • Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project
  • Ask these questions for making your goals specific:  Who is involved?  What do I want to accomplish?  Where will this be done? When will you specifically work on this goal?  Why do you want to accomplish this goal – benefits, purpose, and specific reasons?

Measurable – Meaningful, Motivational, Manageable

  • Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is
  • Know when it has been achieved
  • It’s important to break your goal down into mini-steps so you can measure your success along the way and recognize that you are still on track.

Achievable – Appropriate, Actionable

  • What skills, resources and attitude will you need to achieve your goal?
  • Set your goal(s) so they stretch you while still achievable with commitment and a plan of action.

Realistic – Relevant, Reasonable, Rewarding, Results-Oriented

  • Is your goal within your availability of resources, knowledge and time?
  • Have you accomplished something similar in the past and your pushing yourself to do it better this time?  Ex:  Running your first marathon and expecting to set a new record without training or knowing what your personal best is.   (or)  Losing 20 pounds in one week versus 3-4 months.

Time-Bound – Trackable, Tangible

  • What is your deadline?  Be specific – June 30th instead of “someday.”
  • Be sure to set weekly and/or monthly milestones (mini-steps) so can track your progress.
  • Can you taste, touch, see, hear or smell what it will be like once you obtain your goal?

Basic Spreadsheet Example:


What’s your goal?  (Make it well defined.)

How will you measure your goal? (daily/monthly)

How will this goal become a part of your life?

Does your goal stretch you and remain realistic?

What is your deadline?


Have fun setting your goals for 2012!!  Be adventurous!  Dare to try something you have been curious about!  Stretch yourself so you can see your real capabilities!

If you would like to call or email me for assistance with this process I’d love to assist you!


“What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”  ~ Dr. Robert Schuller

“Set aside some time today to focus on the biggest challenge in your life.  Break down whatever it is to one thing that can be done today, right in this moment.  Write the opening paragraph of your novel.  Layout your blueprint for the home you want to build.  Sign up for one course at a local educational institute.  Go for a two minute run.  Be in the NOW!!”  ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

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What Is Your Trust Quotient?

Over the many years of our life we are encouraged not to trust others.  In fact, there are many sayings that circulate on reasons NOT to trust instead of why we should.   Our environment and experiences teach us from a young age to trust at our own peril.  Yet on the other hand we are encouraged to put our complete trust into various authorities without question.

Trust seems to be a topic that most of us have had to learn at one time or another.  You might even remember playing a game at school or a seminar where you were blindfolded, stand in front of a person and fall back, allowing that person to catch you.  I wasn’t very good at this game the few times I have participated.  1) My sense of falling backwards seemed more intense and I didn’t feel certain (trusting) the person would catch me, and 2) the one time I did allow myself to completely trust the person I ended up hitting the floor.

After a lot of thought on the word “trust,” I had an experience and amazing insight in what I now believe it’s all about.  This may not be new for some of you while others may glean something of value from my experience.

When you put your trust in someone; a child, significant other, family member, friend, spiritual leader, teacher, etc. and one day end up in a situation where you feel your trust has been broken, step back and look at it from another perspective.  Did the person break your trust or did they simply show you who they really are?  Did you have more expectations on them than they were offering?   Are you putting your hopes and beliefs into someone else to fulfill a personal need?

We don’t have to make the story any more than it is.   Just because someone wasn’t completely open and honest with you doesn’t mean you have to reign in your trust.  By doing so what do you gain?  Yes, we have pulled back our trust at one time or another and then became jaded feeling like we should never easily trust anyone again.

If someone hurts you in such a manner, let it go.  Be thankful for the awesome lesson and keep your beautiful heart open.  Trust opens doors!

Year after year I felt like people were constantly breaking/abusing my trust.  Year after year my heart became more closed and hesitant with people’s real intentions when they wanted to make me a part of their life.  As I began to realize how closed off this was making me, I gradually started opening my heart window to let in some fresh perspective.  In time I realized I was looking at trust from a distorted view.  Did anyone break my trust?  Nope!!  Because when someone now says or does something that I would have previously seen as a cause to be distrusting, I now see it as that person’s own issues coming out and they are not mine to take on.  Why volunteer to take on their baggage?  By being trusting and not becoming resentful or upset over events that once would have hurt me, I get to remain a free person.

There are a many opportunities in life where we experience trust.  I have found it’s also about not losing yourself to a guru, teacher, or anyone else.   Sometimes we put people on pedestals that never should have been there, nor asked to be there.  When we put faith into someone or something outside of ourselves, we lose ourself in that person and often end up being disappointed when they don’t end up being who we envisioned.

Trust is a lot like love.  You have to have it for yourself first before you can spread it outwards to others.  If someone hurts you, or breaks the trust you put into them, take a step back and look within to learn what happened.  Are you more upset because they didn’t end up being who you had hoped?   Once I realized I could say “thank you for allowing me this gift to see myself more clearly” then there was nothing left to be angry, upset or hurt over.

Give yourself a few moments to think about anyone you feel created distrust in your life.  What have they taught you about yourself?  Sometimes the biggest lesson is to see people for who they are instead of who we want them to be.

“Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.”  ~ Isaac Watts

 “It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself.”  ~ Graham Greene

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Rising Above The Storm

Over the summer I was standing in a park taking in all of nature’s beauty when I noticed a storm suddenly blowing in.  Up in the sky was a large bird and for a moment I wondered if it was an eagle.  As I watched the storm roll in, I was also fascinated watching this bird soar higher and higher until he disappeared above the clouds.  I was captivated knowing eagles will soar above a storm but never had the experience of watching it in person.


Photo by Christie McKenzie in Rapid City, SD

This moment caused me to stop and reflect a great deal on my life.  How often do I soar above life’s storms or have I allowed them to instead beat me down with the torrential rains and whipping wind?

I considered the many times I have flown, and one morning in particular came to mind.  As we came upon an approaching storm the captain comes over the PA system to let the passengers know that we are going to fly to a higher altitude to rise above the storm, however, in the meantime it may be a turbulent ride for a few moments.

A bit of turbulence was an understatement, however, there is a thrill of flying through those billowy clouds!  As we rose to the other side of the clouds there was the sun streaming brilliantly.  It’s amazing how on one side there can be wind, lightening, pouring rain, and a threat for severe weather, and a few thousand feet above is an absolutely gorgeous peaceful view!

My mind was full of thoughts.  I considered the pathways of my life including moments I’ve encountered over the years.  The personal storms I have endured.

I peered out the airplane window again just as we prepared to land.  We were flying over a major city and could see cars moving along the streets and highways as each person made their way to their destination.  I wondered what each of them might be experiencing in their lives at that moment.

Being high above everything and having a bird’s eye view allowed me to view life from a completely different perspective.  It was an opportunity to rise above the challenges in life and look at them from a different angle. Looking at the world below from 30,000 feet allowed me to realize how small and insignificant our problems are and can be.  From a distance it can be difficult to make out all the details. As you begin to close in that distance you begin seeing even the most finite details.

As I reflected on my experiences and the stories I have heard from various people, I realized we can either continue keeping a close up view on the disappointments, frustrations, personal pain, etc we experience throughout life, or we can move further and further back until we can see our life and the world as a whole.  The more we keep the problems or pain we have experienced under a microscope the longer it will take to heal and see the opportunities that are awaiting us around each corner.

I choose to focus on all the great joys I have encountered and the opportunities that make me feel excited about the endless possibilities that are waiting to be discovered.   Keeping in mind that what we focus on expands.  I have been learning over and over my entire life not to put too much into the hurtful things that people say and do.  If there is a lesson to be learned from it, then take that part, apply it however it fits, and move on.  Holding on to the pain that was actually someone else’s anguish, is doing nothing but burdening me down with carrying that for them.  Let it go and remember that there are always people in this world that would love a helping hand or even a shoulder to lean on.  Let’s put our focus on situations that really matter.

As I close, I wanted to share a blog post from one of my favorite authors.  Paulo Coelho will often post stories written by some of his readers.  I found this one quite touching.

The Perfect Heart by Priya Sher

A young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it.

But an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said,
“Your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine.”

The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating strongly but full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in … but they didn’t fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. The young man looked at the old man’s heart and laughed.
“You must be joking,” he said. “Compare your heart with mine … mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears.”

“Yes,” said the old man, “Yours is perfect looking … but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love…I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them…and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart but because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges. 
“Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away…and the other person hasn’t returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty gouges…giving love is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too…and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?”

The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man.
The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart.
It fit…but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.
The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man’s heart flowed into his.

Until next week, have a wonderful week and I hope you will find the strength to rise above any storms you may be facing!  Reach out to a friend this week and soar through your challenges together.

 “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze  you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”  ~ Bernice Johnson


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Getting Out of Your Funk

Today I would like to talk about those moments when we feel “stuck,” frustrated or having an upside down kind of day.

I was having an emotionally difficult day a few months back.  As I contemplated how to handle the challenges in front of me I received a call from a friend I met several months ago.  She updated me on her husband serving in Afghanistan and the extreme heat they were having.  He’s been working evenings to avoid the heat and attempts to sleep during the day.  I tried to imagine what his life must be like being in such an intense environment and so far away from his family.  After that call I asked myself how could I even begin to fret over my challenges that now seemed miniscule?

I thought back to a year ago when I found myself having not just a bad day but what felt like a bad month.  It seemed like each day rolled into the next and my mood wasn’t improving.  Every so often there would be an event that provided a ray of sunshine and I hoped it would finally bring me out from under the cloud of despair.

What I finally realized is that no one could bring me out of this moment I was having, be it a very long moment, except myself.   I gathered up some writing supplies and went to a location where I could just allow myself the private time I needed.  I sat there for hours writing, thinking, and just allowing each thought to come and go.  For two straight days I did this and received a really awesome insight!

When we are feeling a bit low the last thing that most of us feel like doing is reaching out to someone.  We don’t want to “burden them with our problems.”  Yet, how many times do our friends tell us, “call me anytime you need to talk.”  Our closest friends are usually the ones that are willing to listen and maybe even provide just the words we need to hear to take those next steps.

However, the message I received wasn’t that simple.  In fact, it felt much more daunting at the time.  I don’t know about you, but when I am having a difficult time I want to close myself off to the world and be left alone with my thoughts.  Trying to sort everything out.   Well, this little voice told me I really should to be doing exactly the opposite and it would pull me out of my funk even faster.  The idea was to connect with someone and tell them how much I care or provide some random act of kindness.  In fact, if this funk you are in was created because of a disagreement with a specific person, then the idea and real challenge was to find something positive to say or do for that person!

So I put it to the test.  Sure enough I felt better and it seemed that the lines of communication opened right up!   I thought about Bruce Lee, “Be like water.  Empty your mind.  Be formless.  Shapeless. Now water can flow or it can crash.  Be water my friend.  Running water never grows stale.  So you just gotta keep on flowing.”

I also thought about my Native connection with animals and the lessons they teach us.  I imagined a beaver creating a dam and stopping the river flow.  I realized what Bruce Lee was saying about being like water.  I needed to find a way to break through my personal dam so that my river of life could continue to flow freely.   My dam was various built up emotions – fear, worry, hurt, etc.  In order for the currents of life to flow freely again I needed to stop focusing on my problems and reach out to others.  By lending a hand to others we in turn can often see our solution.

I also came to the conclusion that no one can make us feel any particular way.  Perhaps one of the hardest concepts to realize is that we choose to feel the way we do, whether we’re feeling angry, sad, hurt, happy, joyful, excited, etc.  Each of us decide moment to moment how we are going to feel or handle a situation.

With everything that happens in life we are given a choice. Do we want to be more aware and take responsibility for our emotions or simply blame someone else for how we are feeling?   Even inaction is a choice.  There are times that it’s better not to do anything until we can look at the event from varying perspectives.

With that beings said, I would like you to consider the difference in these two statements.

–       “I felt hurt when you said/did ‘xxxx’.”

–       “You hurt me when you said/did ‘xxxx’.”

Both statements sound similar, however, one is expressing their feelings on the situation and the other comes across more accusatory.

If we grew up in an environment where we learned to become angry when someone says or does something that caused some hurt feelings, then that is how people from that environment will continue to react until they learn otherwise. The other word I just used that is crucial is “react!” Steve Chandler pointed out in his book, “Fearless” that “reacting” and “creating” are spelled with the same letters, but both words mean something completely different. Most people grow up learning how to react to situations. I’m now learning to be mindful of this and create my desired outcome. Not always an easy task, sometimes I fail miserably as I continue to learn how to make changes to these old patterns.  However, I’ve at least learned something new that feels a lot better.  I hope you will find this helpful as well.

As you go through the next few days and weeks, I invite you to use some of these suggestions.  Ask yourself, “How are things in my life flowing?”  Could you use some reconnecting to release past hurts and/or judgments?

Remember, emotions are given to us for a reason.  We experience being hurt when we touch something hot so that we don’t damage our body by continuing to play with fire or touch a hot stove.  We cry when we feel sadness, anger, hurt, happiness, and excitement because of what that experience represents for us.   Emotions provide us the opportunity to look at a situation and take action.  If you allow yourself the moment(s) that you need to process what you are feeling, especially when the emotion doesn’t feel good, then you can move from sadness to being joyful.  We have varying emotions for a reason.  We are exquisite human beings that get to experience the amazing nectar of life.  Realize that each emotion serves a purpose, understand that process and then move forward.  It’s when we carry those emotions with us longer than we need to that they start becoming a dark weight hanging onto us.  That’s when it starts becoming an issue emotionally, mentally and physically.  I often tell people that when you feel you need a good cry, then let it flow.  It’s the soul’s way of cleansing and opening your heart for the next level of learning.

For me, I went through an angry period after Troy Davis was put to death.  However, I turned those emotions into action and am now a stronger advocate than before for human rights.  If we recognize each situation in our lives and the world around us as a lesson, then it opens the door for us to decide what we are willing to do to be part of the change.

Thank you once again for sharing your time with me and allowing me to share with you what I have learned. I would enjoy receiving your feedback and/or any questions you may have.  Feel free to call, email or schedule a Skype chat with me!

My hope is that together we can become more aware of how we are handling life’s challenges, which will allow us to become better with our communication and compassion toward one another.


‎”People inflict pain on others in their selfish pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a sense of universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share.” ~ Dalai Lama

‎”My life is full of mistakes. They’re like so many pebbles that make a good road.” ~ Unknown

 “A life is not important except of the impact it has on other lives. “ ~ Jackie Robinson

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Zoe’s Unconditional Love

We are a family of animal rescuers whether that means adopting them or they find their way to our doorstep.  Quite a few of us tend to lean more towards being cat lovers, however, there has always been a dog or two in the mix.  Personally, I tend to gravitate towards the large dogs since I equate them with providing a great deal of security.   If you’ve ever heard a warning bark from a German Shepherd, you know you have immediately been put on guard.  Many will seriously rethink messing with you or your property when they know a dog is standing guard.  Though I must say, the little ankle-bitters can give people a bit of a surprise and scare as well – aka my brother’s Chihuahua!

I could share hundreds of personal animal stories with you starting from the time I was a child and had my first cat, McTavish.   So it was a bit distressing when one of my doctors advised we should give my cat away due to my severe allergies and asthma.   I was completely heart broken!  Later this decision was reversed and I was elated beyond words!  It felt as though I had been written a blank check!  It was becoming widely known that studies showed animal companions were proving to be extremely healing for people.  An asthmatic having a cat could cause a great deal of controversial conversation, however, I can attest that the little furball definitely made my life feel more joyful.

For many years my mom wanted a German Shepherd. The main restraint was having enough living and yard space.  In 2002, we decided to pool our money together to buy a house, and she would finally bring home this beautiful creature she had dreamed of for years.

I studied the great qualities of these remarkable animals and quickly found a fascination with them as well.   Have you ever noticed that as soon as you decide on a new pet, car, or anything else that you have set your mind on they seem to be appearing everywhere?   Yes, this is simply our perception of the world at that moment, and yet it’s always intriguing!  Everywhere I went I seemed to run into people with a German Shepherd, most of them male and named King!

We began to talk to German Shepherd rescues and were put on a waiting list for one that we and the rescue felt would be a good match.  Month after month went by and my mom became discouraged.  We knew we wanted a rescued Shepherd, so we were determined to wait it out.

Finally about a year into the process we received a phone call.  They said they found the perfect one for us but she was a little over hundred miles away!  We gleefully made our way to go meet her!

As we arrived we noticed the foster lady, Wylyn, had many beautiful and friendly dogs along with a few cats.  This was immediately encouraging to us.  One of our stipulations was that our new companion needed to be cat friendly since we, too, had a couple of cats.  I was highly impressed with the way this wonderful lady took in these homeless and often mistreated pets.  She explained how she spends a great deal of time working to prepare them for their new home.

Photo of the cat walking in front of a line of GSDs was taken at the Metropolitan Police Dog Training Establishment at Keston in Kent. The dogs were lined up ready for a photograph to be taken when the cat walked across - this was not staged, but perfectly exemplifies their incredible disciplined training to respond only on demand! Information from Alun Jenkins

We were immediately welcomed into the house by Wylyn and her loving critters.  My sister was in heaven!  She wasted no time rolling around and playing with them.  She has always been quite the animal lover!   Wylyn took her time introducing each one to us by name, breed and their brief story talking as though she was introducing family members.  Another characteristic we loved!

As we anxiously waited to meet our girl, she finally pointed out that she was the one hiding in the corner, behind the alpha dog.  We could see she was a bit nervous and sensed something big was happening.  I was a bit disappointed she didn’t seem as friendly as the other dogs but as we began to hear her story I could understand her hesitation in meeting her “new family.”

Chloe, as she had been previously named, had been owned by a man that kept her tied up outside on a concrete slab through all weather conditions.  When she was rescued she appeared malnourished and seriously abused.  We were warned that she didn’t trust most men for obvious reasons, even though she did get along with the rescue lady’s husband.  This was one of the reasons we finally got the call.  We were an all female house, which they decided would be perfect for her.  Wylyn explained that since she received Chloe they pampered her quite a bit so it was difficult to let her go.  She pleaded that we stay in touch to let her know how Chloe was adjusting and if for any reason she wasn’t working out to promise we would bring her back to her specifically.  We agreed even though we were committed that by us taking her home she would be there until the end.

After a bit of time Chloe finally came out and started warming up to us.  She was absolutely beautiful, gentle and loving!  After we spent some time playing with her one-on-one she seemed to give her approval.  Giving her and Wylyn some time to say their goodbyes we prepared to head home.

Chloe was extremely well mannered all the way home.  Upon arrival our cats were not shy about letting us know they had a few words to say about the situation.  All in all they seemed to adjust easier than we anticipated.  Chloe didn’t pay them much attention as they took to the top of the furniture to peer out on their new housemate.  It was as though she was imposing on their territory and wanted to be respectful.

Chloe and I spent a lot of time together her first week since I was happened to be off work.  She quickly found her own routine which included laying next to my mom and sister’s doors after they went to bed.  Sometime in the night she eventually came into my room and lay at the side of the bed until I got up at 4a to go to work.

After a couple of weeks went by, I caught myself on several occasions calling her Zoe.  Oddly enough, I noticed she was responding much better to this name.  My family and I have always allowed our pets to “tell” us their name and without fail each one has!  We decided that should have either been her original name or was the new name she chose, so we made the change.  (Chloe means “blooming” and Zoe means “life.”)

Zoe became a member of our family and stole our hearts quite quickly.  We stayed in touch with her foster mom and provided random updates and pictures.  She expressed how good it felt to know she had found a good home.

My oldest brother, also a person that animals naturally love, had no problems with Zoe.  She was a bit nervous around him at first and would go sulk into my room or into a corner where she felt she was safe by being close to one of us females.  My brother was very kind and patient with her.  After some time had passed he told her she could quit hiding.  He calmly told her she should realize by now he wouldn’t hurt her.  She perked up her ears and went and sat next to him.  As time went on she became more and more friendly with him.  The two of them had a funny relationship that was a bit amusing for my mom and I.

Well, as luck would have it, my sister was well into her teen years when Zoe became a part of our life.   Young men came over to the house from time to time.   There were some Zoe approved of and even enjoyed the attention.  There were a few that she wasn’t as trusting of and would stand between the young man and my sister, every so often giving a bark to remind him that she was watching.  Then there was a couple she absolutely did not like and was quite vocal in letting us know.  We stayed more watchful during these times.


One afternoon my sister was outside talking with her boyfriend.  Zoe was extremely agitated and wouldn’t stop barking at the window.  I tried to calm her down as I glanced out the window and seen them standing by the street.  My sister was visibly upset.  Before I could go out to see what was going on her boyfriend hit her.  OMG!!  I thought Zoe was going to go flying through the front window.  As I rushed to the door Zoe was there before me and was insistent I wasn’t going out without her.  Needless to say, that young man did not come around again.

As time went on, my sister finished school and moved out, and I decided to return to California.  Zoe and mom were now home together which was only fitting since she was the one that initiated her coming into our lives.  Early on Zoe had decided she was “my” dog so I wondered how my departure would go with her.  I called to check on them from time to time and was told Zoe still slept in my room whether I was there or not.  As soon as I returned for visits she was anxiously wagging not just her tail but her whole body!!  It’s intriguing to see how animals pick their people.

She played in the yard without needing a leash simply listening to our commands.  The neighbor dog would come by to harass her and she would take off on a full run giving a few warning barks and stop short right at the edge of the street.  It was actually quite comical to watch them and see how Zoe knew her exact boundaries.  The lab would run home yelping as though she had just been in a fight.  Zoe didn’t hold back letting the neighborhood know that she kept a watchful eye.

As her family, we knew her as a tender, sweet loving animal.  She was protective with warning barks but never hurt anyone.  She scared many people away just by seeing her outside lying by us or playing.  Sales people thought twice about coming to the door and often would avoid our house altogether.   Even though we didn’t have trouble in our neighborhood, I knew mom was fine with Zoe at the guard post.

One of the funniest characteristics she had came out during North Carolina’s notorious and powerful thunderstorms.  When that thunder would crack Zoe would bark and run in mad circles like she was chasing her tail.   We guessed her fear of storms had something to do with the inhumane way she was treated.  We could tell she lived on concrete since the fur on the areas of her joints had been worn off and replaced with rough dry skin, so we wouldn’t have been surprised to find out she lived outside amid the storms without shelter as well.

She always got along great with our cats, old or new.  After my sister’s cat had kittens (yes, she ignored our warnings about getting her fixed), Zoe took them on as though they were her babies.  She and the mama kitty would go round and round!!  If a baby was missing, we knew Zoe had “stolen” it and taken it to her room.  As the babies grew and started walking, she followed them everywhere,  herding them around and extremely protective when someone came in to hold them.  She stayed right by their side, knowing where they were at all times!  When we asked her where one was, she showed us.  It was quite amazing to watch this nurturing instinct!

Zoe gave unconditional love to our family year after year.  She brought us much joy, laughter and a sense of security.  Between her and my uncle’s Newfoundland I have never been more pleased with a couple of dogs!

Towards the last couple of years of Zoe’s life, she and my brother became good buddies.  She knew Miah was home before anyone else and would follow his every move.  As Zoe aged she started having a lot of health problems, and my brother stepped up to the plate to take care of the harder part of unconditional love for an animal when the vet suggested we put her down.  While it was an extremely difficult decision, we knew we did everything we could to give her the best 7 years of her life.

Her ashes reside in the most beautiful urn my brother purchased for her, and her spirit resides in our hearts!

“Our task must be to free ourselves…by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”  ~ Albert Einstein

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”  ~ Mohandas Gandhi

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